Your wedding photography timeline
Here are my 5 top tips to help you tackle your wedding photography session.
First and foremost, Plan for the LIGHT
I work with all my couples to make sure that we aren’t doing the location or bridal party photos at the height of the day. That is when the sun is the harshest. I also want to make sure we have plenty of time for gorgeous sunset photographs as well. You need to ensure you have lots of available light to produce beautiful images. So the best way to work your schedule is backward, yes backward. Look at the start time of your reception. You want to make sure you have at least one hour for photos and that you have included your travel time to the venue. Let’s say for example your reception starts at 6 pm. You have chosen a location that is approx 20 minutes drive from your venue.
That means photos should really stop at 5.30 (to be safe). I always encourage couples to have a little extra time up their sleeve. If you have allocated over an hour for photos that is perfect. Your formal shoot should start at 4 to 4.30. Once the sun goes down you have about 5-10 minutes left of available light. Mind you, those ten minutes surrounding sunset time is what we photographers call the golden hour. It’s divine light. Timing will obviously vary from one month to another depending on sunset, so always have a very detailed discussion with your photographer about your location choices.
Secondly, allow extra for travel time. ALWAYS
- This is probably the most overlooked factor in working out a schedule. Often I’ll ask the bride “so what’s the travel distance between your home and the ceremony? “and she might say “oh it’s so close like 10 minutes away”. So if the ceremony is at 3 pm, she wants to leave at 2.50 right?? Nope, I’d say 2.30, allow 30 minutes, why? Because wedding cars never speed, in fact, they often drive slower than the speed limit!! Getting into and out of a car in wedding attire takes longer than normal. Not to mention you have 3 bridesmaids and two flower girls (for example), that all takes time! Don’t forget we want to take those beautiful photos of you arriving at the ceremony and getting out of the car as well, so you can see that extra 20 minutes will disappear very quickly.
My third tip to ensuring you get the most out of your photos!
- How much time do I leave for my Photoshoot? Ideally, allow one hour plus travel time from the ceremony and back to the reception. If you want more than one location, I would strongly suggest you have a good hour and a half to two hours up your sleeve, or you will feel really rushed. The more time you spend getting in and out of cars, the less photos you get, in my opinion.
Be prepared for Plan B:
- The thought of rain on your wedding day is not pleasant. Discussing wet weather options for your wedding day though, is essential. If it does rain, you need to move onto plan B very quickly. Everyone needs to be on the same page ie the car company needs to be informed as well. The last thing you want is to waste your precious photo time talking about photo location alternatives, people getting lost, or arriving late. No one needs all that stress. Plan B should be a very easy transition if it is required.
Lastly, Include ‘Buffer’ time.
- This is so important for your wedding photography timeline to be stress-free
- Add 15-20 minutes extra, wherever you can, to allow for the unexpected: traffic delays, using the restroom, waiting on family members to arrive, freshening your makeup Maybe allow for a little time to have a glass of champagne.
My final tip!
- I usually try and have the bridal party arrive at the reception the same time the guests arrive. Most venues have a bridal suite or room that the whole bridal party can relax in, have a drink, and something to eat. Chill out and recap on your day, enjoy the time with your new husband/wife and friends. Once that reception starts its all go go go again. Your wedding day is going to go super-fast (yes it’s true), the last thing you want is to feel super rushed all-day
© Article written by Cathy D . Australian AIPP multi award winning wedding photography.
If you would, like more advice about timing for your wedding feel free to contact me Contact
Useful link. Sunset times for 2020 sydney